Can Brain Tumors Be Caused by Cellphone Usage?
A recent news story on Fox News' website told about an Italian court ruling in favor of a business that developed a benign brain tumor. Supposedly, the tumor came about due to excessive cellphone usage at his job, where he had a phone up to his ear for hours at a constant pace. Even though this man's lawyer presented doctors who supported the claims, there still isn't a clear link to be seen. While the World Health Organization said that cellphones may be possible carcinogens, no casual connection can be seen.
I believe that a great deal of the know-how for these tumors worldwide rest on how people view cellphones as the issue. So many people believe that cellphones cause brain tumors, but I don't believe that this is necessarily the case because so little evidence exists. Sheryl Crow believed that her benign tumor came about because of cellphone usage, but even so, there's not much in the way of solid evidence to back her claims. It's sad to say, but even steadfast organizations like Voices Against Brain Cancer state that these tumors can come about through no clear cause at all.
Let's say that there was truth that could be used to back up the claims in a scientific way. Even if this was the case, I would still make the argument that tumors would form solely on how much time you put into using a cellphone, which goes back to the Italian businessman. I believe if cellphone calls were moderated by the users, then perhaps the supposed risk of tumors would go down as a result. I text people normally and I only use call function if I absolutely must.
As of now, there is no clear link to be seen connecting cellphone usage with the development of brain tumors. For many people, this is a good thing because I'm sure that some fear existed for those who constantly utilize these devices in everyday life. For others, however, it may infuriate them because there is still no clear cause for these tumors. I cannot blame them at all and my only hope is that research brings about new information soon.
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